Sound of Silence 沈默之聲 歌者:Simon and Garfunkel 本首歌具有反越戰及嘲諷世俗觀念,像是東漢末年的黃巾之亂或五斗米教,傳訟救世主的道義一般,儘管如此,但歌實在好聽,也富有人生哲理在內,被電影「畢業生」相中,採為主題曲之一,畢業生在東南亞戲院二輪上演後,林技師當時在唸大學,只要走在羅斯福路或汀州街的商店巷子裏,到處可聽到店家在用唱片播放此歌,請大家體會People talking without speaking及People hearing without listening的超俗意境,想不到畢業生是個膚淺頹唐的電影,但音樂卻是了不起。
Hello darkness, my old friend, 哈囉暗夜,我的老友 "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 「先知的話語是寫在地下鐵的牆上 creeping=爬行,潛行;vision=景象;restless=輾轉難寐,不安的;cobblestone=圓石路;'Neath=beneath=在…下面;halo =暈圈;stabbed=刺;flash=閃光;reach =搆得著;prophets=先知;tenement=出租公寓;halls=大廳;whisper'd= whispered=呢喃或耳語 引自~!yCUORiyRGALGlJFkoXU-/article?mid=2306&prev=-1&next=2292
發行:SONY, 1972
I've come to talk with you again, 我又來找你聊聊
Because a vision softly creeping, 因為有個景象輕輕爬過
Left its seeds while I was sleeping, 趁我睡著時 留下了種籽
And the vision that was planted in my brain而這個種在我腦海裡的景象
Still remains 還留存著
Within the sound of silence在沈默之聲裏
In restless dreams I walked alone在無數個輾轉難寐的夢中我獨行
Narrow streets of cobblestone, 於狹窄街道上的圓石路上
'Neath the halo of a street lamp, 籠罩於街燈下暈圈的我
I turned my collar to the cold and damp我拉起衣領以抵禦夜的溼和冷
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light我的眼睛受到閃亮的霓虹燈光所刺眼
That split the night燈光劃破夜空
And touched the sound of silence也觸動了沈默之聲
And in the naked light I saw在裸露的燈光中我看見
Ten thousand people, maybe more. 上萬的人們,或許還更多
People talking without speaking, 人們交談著卻沒有說話
People hearing without listening, 人們聽到聲音卻沒有傾聽
People writing songs that voices never share他們寫著一些沒有分享聲音出去的歌曲
And no one dared而也沒有人膽敢去
Disturb the sound of silence. 驚擾沈默之聲
"Fools" said I, "You do not know 我說:「愚蠢啊,你們不知道
Silence like a cancer grows. 沈默會像癌細胞那樣蔓延
Hear my words that I might teach you, 要聽我的話才能教你
Take my arms that I might reach you." 抓我的手臂我才能搆得著你」
But my words like silent raindrops fell, 但是我的話語就像無聲落下的雨滴
And echoed迴響於
In the wells of silence. 沈默的井裏
And the people bowed and prayed對著自己所造的霓虹神像
To the neon god they made. 人們卻彎下身來禱告(與上句倒裝)
And the sign flashed out its warning, 然而警訊已經閃現出
In the words that it was forming. 在正成形的話語裏
And the sign said, 訊號寫著:
And tenement halls." 以及出租公寓的大廳裏」
And whisper'd in the sounds of silence. 也呢喃於各種沈默之聲裡